Happy Independence Day (2023)
drama with elements of satire
Country of Origin & Filming: Kazakhstan
Duration: 16:31
Language: Kazakh, Russian
Year: 2023
English subtitles: Yes

Shooting Format: Digital, Raw,

RED 8K, Cooke S4

Aspect Ratio: 4:3 + 16:9

Film Color: Color

First-time Filmmaker: Yes


After the death of his love, a middle-aged man tries to find a new sense of life against all changes in the country.

A fast-forward metaphor for Kazakhstan's path to look for a new identity through the image of a middle-aged man Marat who loses his meaning in life after the death of his love. After his wife's funeral, Marat finds himself alone. His son leaves for work in another city, and Marat tries to go to work early to stay engaged. His dissatisfaction with the new society increases and the fear of remaining unnecessary to anyone scares him. Marat tries to find a new sense of life against all societal, economic, and political changes in the country through work and his son's pride but finds it completely different.
Camila's debut work "Happy Independence Day" as a director and screenwriter, shot completely independently and by her own means, became a finalist in the competition of the Sundance Institute and continues its successful path at international festivals.
  • Evgeniya Moreva
    Executive Producer
  • Erken Gubashev
  • Pavel Yankevich
    Director of Photography
  • Kamila Fun So

Camila Sagyntkan - a passionate aspiring director and producer with a keen eye for storytelling from Almaty, Kazakhstan. She is also a lawyer with a bachelor’s degree in legal studies received in 2018 in Saint Petersburg. After returning to her native city she works in the movie industry, as a 1AD, producer, writer, and script supervisor (70+ projects).

"For me, creating my first short film was a chance to break through the debut barrier and find joy in showcasing the dynamic essence of Kazakhstan's search for a new identity and the fast-forward poignant metaphor in just 16 minutes.

I hope that my interest in the international sphere, the European approach, the East soul, and love of native philosophy will make a strong friendship with every person who wants to develop, build, and create something together."
contact me for more information:
+7 701 913 30 37 (Whatsapp)
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